Waves battered against the gravel banks, carrying away rocks, stones and clay. Undermined by the storms of winter, washed out by spring rains, boulders tumbled from the bluffs. A million times, and a million times a million, the smaller fragments of the glacial till somersaulted along the ocean floor. Pulled by winds and pushed by currents, they were swept out to sea and tossed back to shore. Rocks rubbed against each other. Stones clattered over the surface of the boulders at high tide. Filing, scraping, polishing rough edges, the endless motion of the waves turned the coarse gravel into smooth pebbles and the pebbles into sand. Over the centuries, the restless ocean laid down a broad border of sand around the Outer Lands. It shaped harbors and bays, carved inlets-and then proceeded to rearrange them. Borrowing newly made sand from the beaches, the waves built bars and shoals offshore. The bars became spits and the spits, peninsulas. The shoals grew into islands and the islands joined to form long barrier beaches. A barrier beach is exactly what its name implies. A narrow strip of sand running parallel to the shore, it acts as a barrier to the ocean. Protecting the land in front of it, it transforms open harbors into sheltered bays. A glance at a map of the Outer Lands will show the work of the sea. *** Along Long Island's south shore from Coney Island to Southampton the waves have thrown up almost a hundred miles of barrier beaches. Fire Island, Rockaway Beach, Jones Beach-these are all new lands formed since the Ice Age. |
Mackeral | Terns | Angel wing | Sponges |
Herring | Laughing gulls | Ark shell | Hermit crabs |
Cod | Sparrow | Bay scallop | Jellyfish |
Bluefish | Black duck | Boat snail | Anemone |
Striped bass | Plovers | Whelk | Star coral |
Swordfish | Skimmers | Chiton | Blood worms |
Sharks | Sanderlings | Mussel | Clam worms |
Skates | Swallows | Jingle Shell | Barnacles |
Flounder | Herring gull | Limpet | Lobster |
Fluke | Laughing gull | Oyster | Blue crab |
Weakfish | Marsh hawk | Periwinkle | Fiddler crab |
Rock bass | Egret | Quahog | Green crab |
Porgies | Geese | Razor clam | Hermit crab |
Tuna | Night heron | Scallop | Horse crab |
Harbor seals | Clapper rail | Surf clam | Starfish |
Killies | Great blue heron | Moon snail | Urchins |
Spearing | Marsh hawk | Squid | Sand dollar |
Arrowhead Bayberry Beach Clotbur Beach Grass Beach Heather Beach Pea Beach Plum Beach Wormwood Bearberry Black Grass Black Gum Blueberry Broom Crowberry Bulrush Buttonbush Cattail Cord Grass Cranberry Duckweed | Eelgrass Golden Aster Golden Heather Hardhack Heather Highbush Blueberry Holly tree Indian Pipe Jointed Glasswort Meadowsweet Moccasin Flower Partridge Berry Pickerel-weed Pink Azalea Pipewort Pitch Pine Pitcher Plant Plume Grass Poison Ivy | Pond-lily Pondweed Prickly Pear Red Cedar Rose Mallow Rose Pogonia Salt-meadow Grass Salt-spray Rose Saltwort Sea Blite Sea Lavender Sea Rocket Sedges Seabeach Orache Seabeach Sandwort Seaside Aster Seaside Gerardia Seaside Goldenrod Seaside Spurge | Scrub Oak Sheep Laurel Spike Grass Sundew Sweet Pepper Bush Tall Wormwood Water-lily Waterweed Wild Cherry tree Wild Indigo Woody Glasswort Spike Grass Sundew Sweet Pepper Bush Tall Wormwood Water-lily Waterweed Wild Cherry tree Wild Indigo Woody Glasswort |
The Dunes Were it not for the dunes, the barrier beach would be nothing more than a shoal or sandbar. They are the mountains of our shoreline, not high in absolute terms but lofty from the beach perspective. Absent the dune grass, Ammophelia ("sand lover") the dunes would wander with the wind. And anchored or not, they are host to a surprising variety of plant and animal life. Beach plum, Bayberry, Seaside goldenrod, Beach pea and Beach heather find homes in the dunes as do Toads, turtles, rabbits, ants, spiders and scores of other creatures. | ![]() Dunes at Point Lookout |
The name Point Lookout has an interesting origin tied to whale hunting although it also proved apt for rum runners during prohibition. More on this subject here.