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Mel Brown on Albert Thompson, Jerry Boyle and Coast Guard Station-Church Research


Mel Brown Extends Greetings

I have been asked to describe the background of the research of this church property by Albert Thompson and Jerry Boyle. In doing so, I am actually a substitute for Mr. Thompson for he was one who devoted so much time and effort during the past few years to this project. Unfortunately, he did not live to take a part in this ceremony, although he would have loved to have been here this morning. As we know, he passed away this April.

I would like to describe Mr. Thompson briefly. He was a past President of the Board of Trustees, and was active in all of the affairs of the church over the years including its second remodeling in 1957. He and I served together on its Audit committee for over five years and in the past few years he was the church's Historian. A man of highest integrity, he was devoted to this community and this church. I am at a loss for words in saying how much he is missed by all who knew him. As far as I am concerned, I lost a very dear friend.

During the late spring of 1974 Albert and i discussed a project for researching the history of this property. He decided to start off by writing to the Commandant of the Third Coast· Guard District on Governors Island:.and he did so on August 1, 1974. He received a fine reply including a short history of the property which showed the original date of 1855. But most important - it was learned that the National Archives contain all of the logs that were kept by the original Life Saving Station and later by the Coast Guard Station here. These go back to 1872 and were available for inspection.

Later, there was correspondence between Mr. Thompson and the Archives and plans were made during early 1975 for a visit to Washington. Because of his severe physical handicap, Mr. Thompson needed assistance in making this trip and it was then that the project was broadened to become a Bicentennial one for the community. Jerry Boyle, an old friend of Albert's, volunteered to accompany him. I want you to know that the trip would not have been possible without Mr. Boyle's assistance. The trip was also successful due to the excellent cooperation of our good Congressman, Norman Lent. Much information was developed, the plaques that we will unveil shortly became possible and we have been able to write a series of articles for the COMMUNITY OUTLOOK for the benefit of the residents of the Point.

Melvin Brown